Attribute Manager is a practical tool to take control of file and folder attributes. It enables to modify conventional file attributes, such as archive, read-only, hidden, system, encrypted, compressed, temporary, indexed, sparse, offline and date/time parameters, including creation date, last modification, and access. Also, it allows to change partial date and time, increment or decrement them. The provided interface is easy to handle; it presents the main window divided into two areas; on the left is located the Tree view panel, where are listed the discs and its folder structure. On the right is listed on a grid the files included in the selected folder. Also, the list view offers a report of the added objects, like file name, size, type, attributes, modified, created and last accessed date. Moreover, the software comes with the template's feature, which enables use to realize a selection, saving it to reuse in other projects. It can save time and effort, avoiding unnecessary steps on recurring jobs. Note, that changing the attribute Compressed for large files can take a long time. Attribute Manager features:
System requirements: Windows PC. Trial limitations: 10-day trial period, nag-screen.
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Attribute Manager Interface languages: English, Deutsch, Russian, Dutch, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, French, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Greek, Portuguese, Turkish.
Attribute Manager, Auxiliary AutomationThe basics: your computer stores information in files, files are organized into folders and subfolders, making filesystem structure. When we are speaking about more than one file, information is stored not only inside files but also filenames, and folders organization ARE information. And sometimes, even more, relevant information is stored in file attributes: For example, file creation and change dates are useful for time-related organization and attributes like «readonly» or «hidden» or «system» even change file appearance and behavior. That's why Attribute Manager matters. Attribute Manager is a software for fast changes in those «auxiliary» files information; unlike Windows own attributes editing abilities, Attribute Manager allows to change multiple file attributes at once. The main program window is just like usual Windows Explorer, and you can select any number of files and folders and press «change file attributes» (or « change folder attributes»). In attributes editing window, you can select all created, modified and accessed dates and «archived», «hidden», «readonly», «system» flags. Date fields can also be changed partially (for example, year only, preserving month and date). Finally, you can save your «what to change» settings as a template for further usage. What are file attributes in Windows?As you know, computer's system mostly consists of files, some of them intended for a system, others for a human. To divide from one another and determine system behavior, to each file added some metadata, which known as file attributes. These attributes can have only one of two states: set and clear. The easiest way to change these attributes is to use Attribute Manager.. read more... Show Hidden, System Files and Folders in Windows.To show hidden files click the View tab, then you should set radio button: "Show hidden files and folders". To view system files unset the checkbox: "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)". read more... |