Getting Strong Passwords With Passwords Generator
There are some tips how to get extremely strong passwords with the help of Passwords Generator.
To get really strong passwords you need to use as many alphabets as you can. Passwords Generator allows using four types of alphabets
such as lowercase character set, uppercase character set, numbers and special symbols. Every set may be expanded or narrowed for your
needs. To get strong passwords you can use all sets of alphabets with all collections of symbols, which is the default template used
by Passwords Generator. Passwords are generated by progressive random algorithms. As a result of the program's work, you have a list
of strong passwords. You can select a password in the list to copy it to the clipboard by one click. On the tab "Length" you can set
the quantity to generate up to 10 000 000 passwords per click. If the quantity is too big, a generating process may take a lot of time,
but you can stop it at any time.
Alphabets Managing
Sometimes you need to get a special type of password. Some electronic systems with an authorisation subsystem do not allow to use special
symbols or numbers, some require to use them. With the Passwords Generator, you can simply exclude character sets from the generating template
and manage their collections. To exclude alphabet entirely uncheck the checkbox on the left of it. Also, you can change alphabet partially
by editing its values. You can always reload default settings by option "Load Default" from the menu "Template".
Manage the Generating Template
You can manage the generating template and adjust them for your needs. To get much stronger passwords you can set options on the tab "Require".
There are such options like requiring lower characters in every generated password, require upper character, numbers or special symbols.
You can set Passwords Generator to exclude repeated characters in a separate password. Exclude doubled characters independently of the case.
Exclude adjacent characters in lowercase or uppercase. Also, you can set the option "generate unique passwords" to have robust control on password duplication.
Note: these options may slow down passwords generation process, but you can stop it at any time.